Tuesday, May 08, 2007

UPDF sctivist arrested in Manikchari of Khagrachari Hill District

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cerebral palsy

UPDF activist arrested in Manikchari

Hill Watch Human Rights Forum

NEWS No. 11/2007, May 08, 2007

The military yesterday arrested an activist of the United People's Democratic Front (UPDF) in Manikchari under Khagrachari district.

UPDF activist Ripon Chakma was arrested at around 12 noon from Noa Bazaar of Batnatoli. He was beaten up and taken to Sinkukchari zonal camp.

No further details could be known due to remoteness of the area.

His arrest pushed the number of total UPDF members arrested since the declaration of state of emergency on 11 January to ten.

Persecution against UPDF and its front organisations are common in the CHT. Even before emergency was enforced in the country, hundreds of UPDF members and supporters had been subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention. At present about one hundred of its members and supporters are being detained in jails in Khagrachari, Rangamati and Chittagong.

UPDF and its front organisations are campaigning for full autonomy through peaceful and democratic means.


Hill Watch Human Rights Forum provides accurate, objective and reliable information on human rights abuses in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. For further details contact: hwhrf_99@yahoo.com

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