Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Army confiscates Swadhikar bulletin in Naniachar

Army confiscates Swadhikar bulletin in Naniachar

HR Monitoring Cell, UPDF, January 9, 2007

The army confiscated 300 copies of the current issue (42) of the Swadhikar Bulletin, a mouthpiece of the United Peoples Democratic Front, and other party literatures last night in Naniachar in Rangamati district.

Lieutenant Wadud of Naniachar zone picked up Randal Chakma from T&T area and confiscated the bulletins and some 50 copies of a booklet containing UPDF documents from him. The documents include the manifesto, constitution, programmes and demands of the party.

Mr. Chakma was taken to the army zone and was subjected to inhuman mental torture in the name of interrogation. Later he was released, but the bulletin and the booklet were not returned.

UPDF publishes the bulletin irregularly in which incidents of human rights abuses are given a prominent place. The military does not like it and makes attempts to restrict its circulation wherever and whenever gets the chance.

The booklet has been published recently after the first national congress of the UPDF held in November last year.

CHT NEWS NO. 03/2007. Prepared by Human Rights Monitoring Cell, United Peoples’ Democratic Front (UPDF). January 9, 2007. Website: www.updfcht. org

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On mine it is very interesting theme. I suggest all to take part in discussion more actively.